Here on the Ivel Valley farm, dried mealworms are one of our very favourite things to feed our wild birds.
We're very lucky that we get a large variety of both urban and rural birds, so there are plenty of bird breeds around that love eating dried mealworms from bird tables and the ground, as well as feeders.
We get lots of questions about how to feed dried mealworms and what to do with them, so we wanted to create this FAQs page that will hopefully tell you everything you need to know!
If you have any more questions, email them to, and we'll do our best to answer them for you and add them to the FAQs page.
What Are Mealworms?
First things first - what are dried mealworms?! Mealworms are the larvae of the Mealworm Beetle (Tenebrio molitor). The adult beetles are shiny dark-brown, or black and look like what you'd imagine a black beetle to look like.
The larvae, also known as grubs, golden grubs, or yellow mealworms, are mealworms that you buy as bird food. Dried Mealworms are simply a freeze-dried version of the mealworm beetle larvae.
What Birds Will Eat Dried Mealworms?
Insectivorous wild birds such as Robins, Wrens, Tits, Blackbirds and Wagtails all LOVE a mealworm or two. If you live in a rural or farmland area, then you might be lucky enough to see a Thrush or Fieldfare stopping by for a wormy snack.

Why Are Dried Mealworms Good For Birds?
Dried Mealworms are packed with protein, fats and fibre, making them a great food source for wild birds all year round. Dried Mealworms that have been soaked in water first are also a fantastic source of hydration, particularly in the summer months. See more information below on rehydrating your dried mealworms.
Do I Have To Rehydrate Dried Mealworms First?
You don't have to soak your dried mealworms in water before you use them. However, soaking them in warm water for 30 minutes before you offer them out is a brilliant way to give your garden birds some extra hydration.
Soaking them can also make them easier to digest for your birds and also easier to break apart from smaller birds or birds with softer beaks.
How Do I Rehydrate My Dried Mealworms?
It's very easy to rehydrate your mealworms. Simply pour some hot water over your mealworms, covering all of them, and leave them to soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Then drain your worms and you're ready to go!
You'll notice that your worms are now much bigger and juicier, having taken on much of the water you soaked them in.
How Do I Feed Dried Mealworms To My Birds?
There are lots of ways you can offer out dried mealworms. Insectivorous birds don't have a problem searching the ground for their dinner, so the most natural way to feed mealworms to your birds is to simply sprinkle them on the ground.
We love to throw out handfuls near some bushes and watch the Robins, Tits and Wagtails to nip back and forth.
You can also put mealworms on bird tables, in any in kind of bowl or dish, or in specialised tray feeders, like the I Love Robins feeders found here.

Can I Mix Dried Mealworms With Bird Seed?
Absolutely! This is a fantastic way to offer out a variety of healthy foods to your wild birds. Mealworms on their own are low in calcium and do not offer birds 100% of the diet they need.
Try mixing your worms with other straight seeds and suet products for an all-round diet. Our Ready Peck Suet Pellets are packed with oyster shell flour, a natural source of calcium for wild birds.
Why Should I Buy Dried Mealworms And Not Live Mealworms?
Dried mealworms retain all this protein and fat but without the wriggle! They are also easier to store than their live counterparts and much more affordable.
Ivel Valley is one of the only places online where you can buy dried mealworms in bulk. With our 12.55kg box you get the best value for money and a box of worms that will store well and keep your garden birds fed for a long time!
How Do I Store Mealworms?
Dried mealworms should be stored in a cool, dry location. Mealworms that are stored in this way can last months without spoiling.