Ivel Valley Wild Bird Blog
Wildlife On The Farm - March 2018
Farm Update! March 9th, and apart from it being a touch windy it's a beautiful bright Spring day. I've just...
Fun Facts About Hedgehogs
Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. They have poor eyesight, but an excellent sense of smell and hearing, which makes them...
The Best Way To Use Ground Bird Feeders & Tables
Use a low level feeder, preferably with plenty of drainage. Only scatter bird food straight on the ground if you're confident...
How To Attract And Feed Finches In Your Garden
Offer a good quality seed mix in a dedicated seed feeder or on a bird table. Finches are known to love Nyger seed, which is...
Feed The Birds - Their Lives May Depend On You
We are now coming up to the main bird-feeding season, and as temperatures fall, it is vital that we continue...
Wildlife On The Farm - July 2017
Last year the Shelducks attempted nesting in a quite exposed badger sett but they must have been disturbed so failed...