Ivel Valley Wild Bird Blog
Fledgling Season - Baby Birds on our Farm
May is a wonderful month for us here on the Ivel Valley farm. We're lucky to see lots of different...
Feeding Mealworms to Wild Birds FAQs
Here on the Ivel Valley farm, dried mealworms are one of our very favourite things to feed our wild birds...
Wildlife on the Farm - March 2019
The start of 2019 has been just a little different to last year. The 2018 Beast From the East gave...
How Long Does It Take Birds To Eat New Food?
"I've switched to a different type/supplier of bird food and now my birds won't eat it" We hear this on...
Falling for Fieldfare
We know we shouldn't have favourites, but here on the Ivel Valley farm we do have a soft spot for...
We Love Robin Red Breasts!
You say, Batman. We say ROBIN! We are convinced the Robins which visit our farm are getting friendlier, more inquisitive...