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Suet Blocks for Birds

Suet blocks for birds will have your garden filled with a variety of beautiful species. This calorie-rich block is high in energy and includes five-a-day ingredients for your birds - suet, oats, seed, nuts and fruit or insects.

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Suet blocks for birds will have your garden filled with a variety of beautiful species. This calorie-rich block is high in energy and includes five-a-day ingredients for your birds - suet, oats, seed, nuts and fruit or insects. Five years in development, we have perfected the recipe to attract wild birds to your garden and have them returning for more!

What is a suet block?

We have taken our popular suet recipe and compressed it into a block for your garden birds to enjoy! Our bird suet blocks contain high-quality, human-grade beef suet as standard, mixed with various peanut and oat flours for added nutrients.

Are suet blocks good for birds?

Because suet blocks contain no fillers and hold high nutritional value thanks to the premium ingredients used, it is an excellent food choice your garden birds can enjoy all year round! Suet blocks are a great energy source and will benefit your birds during the nesting season in the warm months. It's also a great source of calories to help all garden birds and fledglings grow strong and keep warm in cold seasons.

What birds eat suet blocks?

The best thing about suet blocks is that it's loved by many birds that typically feed on a hanging bird feeder, such as Tits, Siskins, Goldcrests, and Woodpeckers. You can even crumble the block up and place it on the ground or a bird table for Robins, Wrens, Blackbirds, and Dunnocks to enjoy!

How do you feed suet blocks?

The best way to feed your suet blocks for wild birds is with a suet block feeder. We sell a variety to choose from that can hold different quantities of treats. If you want to keep larger bird species, (such as Jackdaws and Pigeons) away from your suet blocks, we recommend using a suet block feeder with an outer cage. 

How long do suet blocks last?

Our suet blocks can last up to 12 months. This is due to the animal suet and other fats used in the recipe, which will eventually go off after a year.